Heloisa Beatriz

Watercolor & Stuff

About the artist

Between one scribble and another, sometimes pencil, sometimes watercolor.

Hello! Welcome everyone to my watercolor's portfolio!

My name is Heloisa Beatriz, a Brazilian-Portuguese citizen, mother of two men and grandma of two little angels. Drawing was always a hobby in my life, but only 10 years ago I decided to learn watercolor. I like to mix different materials and find inspiration and lessons from many talent artists in the web

This website gathers the watercolors and other arts that, as a hobby, I do at home, alone or in the company of my also artists friends Diana and Silvia, or even while taking watercolor classes here in my neighborhood. That's my therapy, specially in these days of lockdown.

My first contact with art happened when I was still very young, scribbling just for fun, without knowing that I would study Graphic Arts for 5 years in a BA. graduation in UFRJ. Despite not accomplishing this course, there I matured and started to develop a critical and professional eye for art.

And in fact I acted in the professional field for many years, most of them beside my friend and artist Ana Maria, in her design agency "À Mão Livre" ("Free Hand"), but some twists of life drove me to find a more stable career, so I got an administrative job in Rio's town hall.

When I moved myself to Laranjeiras, my friends invited me to attend at a watercolor's course from prof. Chiara Bosetti, once a week, who so far have been teaching me a lot. I hope you will enjoy my watercolors! You are my guests to leave comments at the pictures or here right bellow. Your feed-back is priceless!